I'm chuffed to announce that this morning I accepted an offer of employment with the VR powerhouse Fallen Planet Studios.
Ill be working alongside a talented team of developers to bring to life the dark and terrifying world of Red Park Asylum in Affected: The asylum.

AFFECTED: The Asylum takes everything that made AFFECTED: The Manor an enthralling, immersive experience and adds brand new Game Modes, Interaction Mechanics and story-driven content all experienced by up to four players. The Asylum will push you to your limits as you attempt to survive the night with your sanity intact!
A Social Horror Experience Like No Other!
Learn more at http://affectedvr.com
Fallen Planet Studios

Fallen Planet Studios is an independent development studio whose primary focus is the creation of immersive games and experiences for Virtual Reality (VR). Formed in 2013, Fallen Planet was one of the world’s first game development studios to focus solely on VR. We aim to deliver higher levels of immersion by using tactile interfaces, interactive environments and the latest in VR development techniques.
Our core team has over 30 years experience in the gaming and other related industries. Having worked across multiple disciplines, Fallen Planet Studios is well versed in game development, game design, graphics, product development and sound design, as well as overseeing numerous projects from conception through to eventual release.